Guidance for grown-ups to help girls shine

Learning materials for schools and book clubs

Stories give girls an entertaining way to explore themes and issues from other points of view.
Check out these 
free downloadables inspired by American Girl books for conversation starters and engaging activities..

All historical characters
Activity Booklet
Kaya™ (1764)
A Teacher's Guide to The Journey Begins
Caroline Abbott™ (1812)
A Teacher's Guide to Captain of the Ship
Josefina Montoya™ (1824)
A Teacher's Guide to Sunlight and Shadows
Addy Walker™ (1864)
A Teacher's Guide to Finding Freedom
Samantha Parkington™ (1904)
A Teacher's Guide to Manners and Mischief
Rebecca Rubin™ (1914)
A Teacher's Guide to The Sound of Applause
Kit Kittredge™ (1934)
A Teacher's Guide
to Read All About It!
Nanea Mitchell™ (1941)
A Teacher's Guide to Growing Up with Aloha
Maryellen Larkin™ (1954)
A Teacher's Guide to The Journey Begins
Julie Albright™ (1974)
A Teacher's Guide to The Big Break
Courtney Moore™ (1986)
A Teacher's Guide to Courtney Changes The Game

Expert advice for older girls

The Care & Keeping of You 2 builds on the original bestseller by covering even more body issues.
Download these free materials to supplement your girl's understanding of what makes this edition an important addition list.

About the author
Meet trusted pediatrician and childhood expert Cara Natterson, MD.
Author interview
Read an in-depth discussion about the series, its benefits, and more.
Why Care & Keeping
Find out how this bestselling series helps girls and parents.
Conversation starters
Get inspiration for open and honest talks with the girl in your life.
Book excerpts
Enjoy an inside look at featured sections from The Care & Keeping of You 2.
Tips for all ages
Discover advice that moms, dads, and daughters can all learn from.